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I had a week off recently and was able to check out Prince William sound on a 4 day solo sea-kayaking trip. I left out of Whittier, Alaska. Prince William sound is a world-class destination due to the active glaciers and teeming wildlife that one can see. Below are some pictures of just that - glaciers, sea creatures and some beautiful scenery. Some say that the water can get really dangerous at times, but I was blessed with mostly flat water and splendid weather.
Base of a Glacier Pointed at a Glacier
View from my Tent Yummy Wild Raspberries
Former Starfish Jellyfish
Parked Behind a Bigger Iceberg Receding Glacier
Headed to the Glaciers Close to the Glaciers with small Icebergs
Looking At Whittier From the Water Camping Beach
Big Cheesy Smile